Panda's Urban Adventure: Panda Lily's Quest for Fun in Hong Kong!

Panda's Urban Adventure: Mobile App Challenge

Panda Lily came to Hong Kong from Sichuan, eager to explore the city freely, but faced many challenges after secretly leaving the Panda Park.

She encountered passers-by rushing to feed and take photos, couldn't find suitable clothes, and couldn't enter the subway because she was too big.


Welcome to the "Panda's Urban Adventure" mobile application competition!

We invite participants to create an engaging and innovative mobile app inspired by the story of Panda Lily, the panda who leaves Panda Park to explore the vibrant streets of Hong Kong. Using your imagination, develop a mobile app which should capture one of Lily’s imaginary journeys and displays the challenges she faces in an urban environment and her solutions.


Design a mobile application that allows users to help Lily navigate through Hong Kong.


Exciting prizes will be awarded to the top entries, including cash prizes, tech gadgets, and opportunities for further development of the winning app!

Eligibility to Enter

a) Participated at least in one of the online education sessions.
b) Must submit finished work in *aia format.

Submission Guidelines

Competition Date: January 18, 2025

Enrollment Period:
Nov 15 - December 31, 2024

Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building,
21 Pak Fook Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Enrollment Method: Submission through the project website Coding Competition

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1. Your email address

Participants must register for the competition using their valid student email addresses

2. Primary and Secondary sections

The competition is divided into Primary and Secondary sections

3. Files to developing the mobile app

The competition will consist of developing a mobile app that is based on an *aia fileMust include *aia file, powerpoint file and a 3 minutes presentation (video)

4. Individuals / Teams

Participant can enter as individual or as a team
(Maximum number of members in a group = 5 persons)

4. Entry fee HK $30

The app should be centered around the theme of “Panda Adventure in HK” and can include featuressuch as: Check the followings to reflect new theme Panda.

  • Ordering food choices
  • Real-time location tracking of the food truck
  • Loyalty programs and discounts
  • Menu customization options
  • Payment integration
  • Social sharing functionality
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Any other creative ideas related to food trucks

4. Leverage creativity to design an intuitive app

Participants are encouraged to leverage their creativity to design an app with an intuitive user interface and an engaging user experience.

Both Primary and Secondary sections of the competition will be divided into two selection categories:

  • Computational Thinking: Winners will be selected based on how well they utilized
  • Computation Thinking concepts. User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) : Winners will be selected based on howwell they utilized a user-friendly design on the user interface, graphics, functionality,innovation and overall user experience.

Program Flow

The top participants from each category will be selected as finalists and invited to present their apps during the event.

However, visitors to the App Showcases usually would walk from one team's formboard to another's team's formboard during the event.

Visitors do not intend to sit down. In addition, not all of the visitors will arrive at the same time of the day.

During the competition, both rooms will be setup with chairs to accommodate all the visitors.One of the rooms will be used to host the competition.

Overflow visitors will be seated in the other room and watch the event via steaming services.Join us in this exciting adventure and help Lily make her way through the bustling streets of Hong Kong! Let your creativity shine!

Contact us if

You want to implement a Coding and /or mentoring program but don’t have the resources to do it

You want to implement a Coding and /or mentoring program but don’t know how / where to start

You want a free trial to youCodia and start building your own app with the best in class learning software

Thank you
Thanks for reaching out. We will get back to you soon.
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