What volunteers say

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, MIT

Helen Li

I learned a lot at my summer experience. I was able to see my contributions to a real-world project and learn a new programming language. Working together and making sure everyone’s code was compatible was also an important skill that I slowly acquired.

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science,Penn State U

Hayson Chu

The whole experience was more than I could hope for. I hope to improve upon my skills and someday comeback and help out with the project again. I was inspired by the passion from the team and will carry on this attitude with a desire to do meaningful things as I move on to college.

What trainees say

S6 graduates from Carmel Holy Word Secondary School

Tsang Sum Yuen

I learn how to work in a team. I learn how to build apps and this is exactly what I want to learn in this program.

Retired Nutritionist

Wendy Hui

On June 29, after our “pizza celebration” for the mentors, Teacher Fu announced that our program has completed. I saw everyone sat still and keep quiet just for a moment, showing reluctance to leave. That’s the moment when the connection among us mentors began.

Contact us today

youCodia | Youth Global Network

14th Floor, Breakthrough Centre, 191 Woosung Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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